André Navas Alves de Castro; Jorge Luis Saade
A 32 years old, female patient suffered a car accident with the presence of craniofacial trauma and multiple lesions in soft tissues in the face area . She sought dental care to verify the existence of traumatic dental lesions. Radiographic exams and CT scans showed no changes and lesions in the facial bones and the root portion of teeth. With the selective use of the inclination of twin flash (Macro Twin Flash) can produce photographic documentation for initial registration and elucidation to the patient, showing a number of microcleft in the coronal portion in the element 11. The patient was warned to future potential complications in response to clinical finding and the same will be constantly assessed in the coming months to identify future complications.
How to cite: Castro ANA, Saade JL. Uso seletivo de sistemas de flash para produção de documentação fotográfica em Odontologia. Dental Press Implantol. 2012 Jan-Mar;6(1):110-1.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 07:59