

Osteocytes: On the central role of these cells in osseous pathobiology

Alberto Consolaro

The main targets for the comprehension of bone pathobiology were focused in osteoblasts and clasts, but in recent years it has shifted to the osteocytes — as mechanotransductors of the bone tissue, from the three-dimensional network, by interconnecting its extensions linking a cell to other 20 to 40, like a neural network. By mechanotransduction and from mediators as sclerostin and RANKL, the osteocytes may influence bone pathobiology by interfering with the activity of osteoblasts and clasts. When more bone is necessary, osteocytes release less sclerostin, when it is necessary to inhibit bone formation, osteocytes release more sclerostin. RANKL is connected to local osteoclastogenesis in order to have more cells capable of reabsorbing the mineralized matrix. New therapeutic ways of controlling the metabolic bone diseases have been targeted at these mediators. Studying the presence and the specific effects of sclerostin and RANKL in osseointegration can lead to greater detailing of their biological phenomena.

Keywords: Osteocytes. Mechanotransduction. Bone biology. Sclerostin. RANKL.

How to cite: Consolaro A. Osteocytes: on the central role of these cells in osseous pathobiology. Dental Press Implantol. 2012 Apr-June;6(2):20-8

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 06:50