Alberto Consolaro, Renata Bianco Consolaro
The bone reactions before functional demands and aggressions are different according to the local morphology, intensity and duration of the irritation and systemic state of the patient. In this work, initially it was sought to correlate these three important factors to comprehend the final result on the bone structure, especially from the imaging point of view. Then, it was presented the concepts of universally accepted names to identify inflammatory bone diseases, in order to facilitate the scientific and clinical communication between professionals.
Keywords: Osteitis. Osteomyelitis. Periostitis. Osteonecrosis.
How to cite: Consolaro A, Consolaro RB. The bone reactional capability and the names of inflammatory bone diseases. Dental Press Implantol. 2012 July-Sept;6(3):18-25.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 07:51