

Clinical surgical analysis of implant installed immediately after tooth extraction

Tanise Cristine Tavares Fontana

Introduction: In the beginning of Implantology, the conventional protocol for osseointegration suggested waiting until twelve months for the process of alveolar bone’s repair before the placement of an implant. However, osseointegrated implants can be installed after tooth’s extraction at various moments. The choice of this depends on bone, functional and esthetic aspects. The insertion of an implant in the tooth socket immediately after tooth’s extraction, called immediate implant, shows a technique of oral rehabilitation quite viable and science reports high rates of success, especially in the anterior region of maxillary, where there is need to obtain satisfactory esthetic results. The main indication of this is the replacement of teeth that have no possibility of treatment. This technique is very advantageous because it takes advantage of the cellular repair period, reducing surgical time, providing immediate installation of the prosthesis, function or just esthetic, which brings great satisfaction to the patient. To reach success, the practitioner must be aware of some limiting factors that may indicate against the use of the technique. Objective: The purpose of this article is to show the advantages and disadvantages of this technique and its indications and contraindications through a literature review.

Keywords: Oral surgery. Dental implants. Tooth extraction.

How to cite: Fontana TCT. Clinical surgical analysis of implant installed immediately after tooth extraction. Dental Press Implantol. 2012 July- -Sept;6(3):72-80.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 07:54