Alberto Consolaro, Franklin Leahy, Dario Miranda, Renata Bianco Consolaro
The evaluation of particulate biomaterial properties used in surgical bone cavities should take into consideration two different environments: first, the events that occur at the interface between particles, the blood clot and the granulation tissue, including osteogenesis; and second, those that occur in the spaces between particles and away from their surface, that is, induced tissue reactions, including osteogenesis. In these spaces, evaluations should include progressive changes in blood clot, granulation tissue and new bone formation. Responses to particulate biomaterials should be evaluated in face of events directly on the surface of the particles, as well as whether these particles will be reabsorbed or not and be replaced with bone to reestablish normal conditions in the site.
Keywords: Bone healing. Biomaterials. Bone formation.
How to cite: Consolaro A, Leahy F, Miranda D, Consolaro RB. Where we should analyze bone healing after placement of particulate grafts in surgical bone cavities. Dental Press Implantol. 2013 Jan-Mar;7(1):30-42.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 07:49