

Medial mandibular flexure related to biomechanical failures of implant-supported fixed prosthesis with rigid connection distal to the mental foramen

Marcello Roberto manzi, Renato manzano, Angélica Castro Pimentel, Cristiane Ibanhes Polo, Maria Cristina Zindel Deboni, Maria da Graça Naclério-Homem

Introduction: Some mechanical failures and possible biological problems were related to the medial mandibular flexure in patients who had implant‑supported fixed extensive prostheses, with bilateral rigid connection in implants posterior to the mental foramen. Methods: Literature research relative to the topic was performed from a query to the MEDLINE database, including papers published from 1954 to 2010. The purpose of this literature review was to compare the possible biomechanical failures of implant‑supported prostheses with extension distal to the mental foramen, such as implant fracture, prosthesis screw loosening or fracture, lack of passive fitting of the metallic structure, bone saucerization, and in some cases, muscle pain and limited mouth opening, and to propose a design to these prostheses. Conclusion: When the prosthetic planning needs supporting elements at the surface posterior to the mental foramen, the prosthesis should be segmented, especially in the region of the symphyseal area. Thus, the deleterious effects of medial mandibular flexure in the prosthesis and peri‑implant area will be minimized.?

Keywords: Mandible. Dental prosthesis. Dental implants

How to cite: Manzi MR, Manzano R, Pimentel AC, Polo CI, Deboni MCZ, Naclério-Homem MG. Medial mandibular deflection related to biomechanical failures of implant supported fixed prosthesis with distal rigid connection to the mentual foramen. Dental Press Implantol. 2013 Jan-Mar;7(1):43-50.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 07:44