

Peri-implantitis: Critical and current overview of etiological factors, clinical/ radiographic diagnostics and prognosis.

Rafael Ferreira, Adriana Campos Passanezi Sant’Ana, Maria Lúcia Rubo de Rezende, Carla Andreotti Damante, Mariana Schutzer Ragghianti Zangrando

Introduction: Peri-implantitis has been frequently diagnosed; however, the best treatment approach has not been established. Knowledge about its etiology as well as clinical and radiographic diagnosis are necessary to prevent, treat and control peri-implant infections, in addition to achieving implant placement success. Objective: his literature review aims to discuss the current approach towards etiology, diagnosis and prognosis of peri-implantitis, based on articles retrieved from PubMed and Science Direct databases. Results: Peri-implantitis is an infectious/inlammatory process of multifactorial etiology afecting hard and soft tissues around dental implants. Some methods of clinical/radiographic diagnosis are essential to assess its occurrence and progression. However, scientiic studies are divergent and inconclusive regarding the best treatment approach and prognosis. Conclusion: Peri-implantitis is a disease that must be initially diagnosed. Regular monitoring of patients is important for treatment and implant success.

Keywords: Peri-implantitis. Clinical diagnosis. Dental prostheses. Implant.

How to cite: Ferreira R, Sant’Ana ACP, Rezende MLR, Damante CA, Zangrando MSR. Peri-implantitis: Critical and current overview of etiological factors, clinical/radiographic diagnostics and prognosis. A literature review. Dental Press Implantol. 2014 July-Sept;8(3):76-84. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2237-650X.8.3.076-084.oar

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 06:40