Claudio Ferreira Nóia, José Marcelo Vargas Pinto, Bruno Costa Martins de Sá, Paulo Hemerson de Moraes, Rafael Ortega Lopes
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REFERÊNCIAS: the need for a donor site from the patient, it is known that obtaining excellent results in bone grafting represents a real challenge to surgeons even nowadays. Objective: Thus, the aim of this study was to address some aspects that directly influence outcomes in bone grafting, namely: defect type, choice of bone substitute, biological limits of surgical techniques and the microarchitecture of grafts, particularly because properly approaching these factors enables clinicians to obtain excellent clinical results.
Keywords: Alveolar ridge augmentation. Bone resorption. Dental implants.
How to cite: Nóia CF, Pinto JMV, Sá BCM, Moraes PH, Lopes RO. Clinical considerations for optimizing results in bone grafting: Part I. Dental Press Implantol. 2014 July-Sept;8(3):96-108. doi:
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