

Accurate transposition of peri-implant soft tissue morphology in anterior prosthesis: case report

Edmara BERGAMO, Lúcio Hirokuni KANASHIRO, Marcos CELESTRINO, Raphael Silva DANTAS, Sérgio da Cunha RIBEIRO

The emergence profile for implant-supported prostheses is the portion of the restoration that emerges coronally from the implant to the free gingival margin, giving support and stability to peri-implant soft tissues and mimicking the natural tooth. Restorations with appropriate contour have a significant effect on oral hygiene, health and esthetics of peri-implant tissues. The greatest challenge involved in manufacturing permanent prosthesis is the duplication of the emergence profile obtained with the provisional restoration secured to the cast. Several techniques have been published, but no consensus has been reached on the literature regarding which method is the most accurate. Objective: The objective of this study is to present a technique for molding the emergency profile and peri-implant tissues by presenting a clinical case.

Keywords: Dental impression material. Dental implants. Dental prosthesis.

How to cite: Bergamo E, Kanashiro LH, Celestrino M, Dantas RS, Ribeiro SC. Accurate transfer of the peri-implant soft tissue morphology in anterior prostheses: case relate. Dental Press Implantol. 2015 Apr-Jun;9(2):64-74. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2237-650X.9.2.064-074.oar

Wednesday, January 01, 2025 17:25