

Two prosthetic crowns supported by a single implant in the esthetic zone

Ana Maria Coelho Moreira, Contardo Barbieri Filho, Robson De Castro Ottero, Hesio Magri De Lacerda, Evelyn Juri Rezende De Lacerda

The objective of this case report was to present a therapeutic option for cases with loss of neighboring teeth, carried out by means of two prosthetic crowns supported by a single implant in the anterior maxilla. Techniques such as soft tissue augmentation and immediate provisional implant crown are required to preserve soft tissue contour and have proved predictable to achieve aesthetic harmony.

Keywords: Dental implants. Dental aesthetics. Dental prosthesis.

How to cite: Moreira AMC, Barbieri Filho C, Ottero RC, Lacerda HM, Lacerda EJR. Two prosthetic crowns supported by a single implant in the esthetic zone. Dental Press Implantol. 2015 July-Sept;9(3):55-68. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2553.9.3.055-068.oar

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 13:55