Benito André Silveira Miranzi, Almir José Silveira Miranzi, Luis Henrique Borges, Mário Alfredo Silveira Miranzi, Fernando Carlos Hueb Menezes, Rinaldo Mattar, Thiago Assunção Valentino, Carlos Eduardo Silveira Bueno
The aim of this in vitro experimental analysis was to compare the changes in canal shape after the use of ProTaper Universal NiTi rotary system, ProDesign system, and a hybrid technique using both systems. A total of seventy-five simulated root canals were prepared and divided into five groups (n = 15). For Group 1, the ProTaper Universal System with apical preparation file F3 was used. For Group 2, ProDesign System with apical preparation using file 30/0.2 was used. For Group 3, ProTaper Universal System with apical preparation with file F2 was applied. For Group 4, ProDesign System and ProTaper Universal System with apical preparation with file F2 were applied. For Group 5, ProDesign System and ProTaper Universal System with apical preparation F1 and F2 were used. All instrumentation was performed with the help of Gates-Glidden drills #5, #4, #3, #2 and #1 according to crowdown preparation. The difference and the quotient the amount of removed resin were analyzed within six millimeters of the canal curvature, measured for both inner and outer walls. The amount of zip and elbow apical formation and mean final shape for each type tested were analyzed. Data were analyzed using parametric tests (ANOVA p<0.05), non-parametric test Kruskal-Wallis (p<0.05) and Chi-square test (p<0.05). When difference, quotient and final mean shape were analyzed, the best preparations were observed in groups 2 and 3. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, the best preparations were obtained with ProDesign System and ProTaper Universal System with apical preparation file F2.
Keywords: Rotary nickel-titanium instruments. Root canal preparation. Curved artificial root canals.
How to cite: Miranzi BAS, Miranzi AJS, Borges LH, Miranzi MAS, Menezes FCH, Mattar R, Valentino TA, Bueno CES. In vitro evaluation of shape changes in curved artificial root canals prepared with two rotary systems. Dental Press Endod. 2011 apr-june;1(1):69-76.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 03:41