Carlos Vieira Andrade-Junior, Kássio Henrique de Souza, Aline Cristine Gomes, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal da Silva
Introduction: Odontogenic sinus tracts are canals originated from dental inflammation and which drain into the orofacial and neck region. One of the most common causes of odontogenic sinus tract formation is the presence of cavities or dental trauma, with bacterial invasion in the pulp tissue and subsequent pulp necrosis. Objective: To report the clinical history of a patient who attended the UESB College of Dentistry presenting an odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract. Case report: A 47-year-old woman presented herself to the service of endodontics of UESB College of Dentistry complaining of an extra-oral sinus tract on the left side of her face. After appointments with otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and other physicians, the patient sought dental care. Periapical radiographs revealed carious lesions in the left lateral incisor, with the presence of periapical pathology. Endodontic treatment was proposed and performed in a single session. Results: Three days later, the sinus tract had regressed and there was only a scar on the site, due to tissue retraction for closing the opening hole of the lesion. Two months later, a radiographic examination showed bone formation in the apical region of the tooth and no pathology. Conclusion: Knowing this condition proves to be of paramount importance for dentists and physicians to correctly conduct the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Keywords: Cutaneous sinus tract. Diagnostic services. Endodontics.
How to cite: Andrade-Júnior CV, Souza KH, Gomes AC, Silva EJNL. Odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract: Case report. Dental Press Endod. 2013 May -Aug;3(2):70-4.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 02:49