

Multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of external cervical resorption: case report

André Luiz da Costa Michelotto, Ana Claudia Galvão de Aguiar Koubik, Augusto Ricardo Andrighetto, Albano Luis Novaes Bueno, Yasmine Mendes Pupo

Introduction: Root resorption is a pathological process that results in loss of cementum, dentin and bone. It is triggered by an imbalance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Diagnosis usually occurs through radiographic examination and/or CT scan. Objective: This study reports the treatment of a case of external cervical resorption with a multidisciplinary approach involving Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics. Methods: CT image revealed external cervical resorption in the palatine root, extending from distal, following to palatal and mesial. After opening, and placing of intracanal dressing, the endodontist referred the patient for orthodontic evaluation. Orthodontic traction was suggested, and an attempt was made to expose the area of lesion. To reach the final position of the tooth between the second and third order and occlusal adjustments, the orthodontic stage lasted eleven months, including three months of retention. One month before removing the orthodontic appliance and one year after the beginning of traction, root canal filling was performed. While keeping the orthodontic appliance in place, surgery was performed to correct the bone and gingival levels, which tended to follow the tooth, allowing visualization of the entire resorption area. One month after clinical coronary augmentation surgery, the orthodontic appliance was removed and prosthetic treatment performed with a gold alloy-fused metallic core and a ceramic crown with a zirconia infrastructure. Conclusion: The authors therefore concluded that by employing a multidisciplinary approach it is possible to treat cases of external cervical resorption.

Keywords: Endodontics. Osteoclasts. Computed tomography. X-ray.

How to cite: Michelotto ALC, Koubik ACGA, Andrighetto AR, Bueno ALN, Pupo YM. Multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of external cervical resorption: case report. Dental Press Endod. 2017 Sept-Dec;7(3):34-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2545.7.3.034-042.oar

Friday, December 27, 2024 08:02