

Use of absolute isolation in Endodontics: an analysis of the perception of the patient and the dentist of northwestern Paraná/Brazil

Sérgio Henrique Staut BRUNINI, Luiz Fernando TOMAZINHO, Aron Marques HOMEM, Gabriel Bertoncelo SANTANA, Letícia Flávia da SILVA

Introduction: Rubber dam isolation is a mandatory procedure in dental treatment, especially in Endodontics. However, some professionals still refuse to employ it. Aim: This study interviewed dental professionals, dental students and patients, evaluating the perception of each group concerning the efficacy and safety of rubber dam by the percentage of responses to the questions. Methods: The questionnaires were responded by 50 students of the last year of Dentistry course at Unipar, 50 dental professionals and 100 patients from private clinics and the dental clinic of Unipar, at the city of Umuarama in Paraná. After collection of all submitted questionnaires, the responses were tabulated and analyzed. Results: 66% of dental professionals and 74% of dental students interviewed reported that they always use rubber dam isolation, mentioning as negative aspects for not using it the time required for placement, patient refusal and lack of training. Among the patients, 52% from private clinics and 54% from the dental clinic of Unipar considered the rubber dam uncomfortable, yet only 6% and 10%, respectively, indicated they would not like to use the rubber dam on the following session. Conclusions: Rubber dam isolation has great acceptance by professionals, students and patients. A significant part of dental professionals and students have been using the rubber dam routinely in the endodontic practice. The patients consider the rubber dam uncomfortable, notwithstanding they prefer to use it during dental treatment.

Keywords: Rubber dam, Endodontics. Patients. Dental professional. Dental students.

How to cite: Brunini SHS, Tomazinho LF, Homem AM, Santana GB, Silva LF. Use of absolute isolation in Endodontics: an analysis of the perception of the patient and the dentist of northwestern Paraná/Brazil. Dental Press Endod. 2020 May-Aug;10(2):20-8.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:59