
Evaluation of zygomatic-orbital fracture treatment without fastening

José Rodrigo Mega Rocha, Viviane Almeida Sarmento, Adriana Viveiros Alvarez, Patrícia Leite Ribeiro, Roberto Almeida De Azevedo

Introduction: There are different techniques for zygomatic complex fractures treatment. These techniques vary depending on the surgical approach and the different types of fasteners. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the degree of effectiveness of zygomatic complex fractures treatment by reduction with the hook technique without fastening. Methods: A total of 19 patients were evaluated, diagnosed, selected and treated. Clinical and imaging analyses were performed before and after surgery, with the examination of computed tomography (CT) taken only during the postoperative period. Each individual was asked about his subjective impression of treatment. Results: There was no statistical difference in zygomatic bone position in the latero-lateral direction between the two sides; however, there was statistical difference between the dimensions (p = 0.005) and antero-posterior position of the bone (p = 0.04). Aesthetic and functional results were satisfactory in 13 patients (68.4%). Conclusion: The procedure showed a significant failure rate; however, for cases in which open surgical treatment and bone fixation are impossible, the technique can be applied.

Keywords: Zygomatic. Treatment. Fracture.

How to cite: Como citar este artigo: Rocha JRM, Sarmento VA, Alvarez AV, Ribeiro PL, Azevedo RA. Avaliação do tratamento da fratura zigomático-orbitária, sem fixação. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 set-dez;1(3):14-9. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.1.3.014-019.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:18