
Use of reconstruction plates for treatment of fractures in patients with mandibular bone atrophy

Paulo Domingos Ribeiro-Junior, Carlos Nicolau Feitosa De Albuquerque Lima Babadopulos, Hugo Nary Filho, Victor Prado Curvêllo, Eduardo Simioli Neto

The presence of a mandibular fracture in cases of bone atrophy may represent a challenge to the bucomaxillofacial surgeon. In order to treat such conditions, means of internal or external fixation or maxillary immobilization may be employed. When miniplates for internal fixation are used, it is necessary that a minimum height of mandibular bone remains, thus providing good stabilization by means of the fixing material, which will be aided by mandibular bone contact. In the presence of mandibular bone atrophy, the use of this fixing method can be affected. Thus, an adequate means of stabilization in these situations is to use thicker titanium plates installed in the lateral region of the mandibular basal bone. These plates were primarily used in cases of mandibular reconstruction. The objective of this study is to report the use of such fastening materials in eleven mandibular fracture occurred in seven edentulous patients with bone atrophy. All cases had an adequate postoperative course without complications, presenting extensive postoperative control. It is possible to conclude that reconstruction plates functioned as an adequate means for fixing of fractures involving mandibular bone atrophy.

Keywords: Bone plates. Mandibular fractures. Mandibular atrophy. Ostheossynthesis.

How to cite: Como citar este artigo: Ribeiro-Junior PD, Babadopulos CNFAL, Nary Filho H, Curvêllo VP, Simioli Neto E. Tratamento de fratura de mandíbula atrófica utilizando placa de reconstrução. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 set-dez;1(3):33-46. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.1.3.033-046.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:16