
Orthognathic surgery on deformities: case series

Claudio Ferreira Nóia, Rafael Ortega Lopes, Henrique Duque De Miranda Chaves Netto, Frederico Felipe Antônio De Oliveira Nascimento, Jaime Rodríguez Chessa

Objective: To report clinical cases of patients treated with orthognathic surgery while trying to evaluate not only their characteristics, but also the procedures performed. Methods: Seventeen patients who underwent orthognathic surgery were assessed in terms of age, sex, facial pattern, dental health, dentofacial deformity, surgical procedure and the occurrence of complications. Results: The most commonly reported facial pattern was Type III (64.7%). Anteroposterior (AP) maxillary deficiency (58.8%) and AP mandibular excess (47%) were the most commonly diagnosed deformities. The most frequently performed surgical procedures were maxillary advancement (76.4%), mandibular setback (52.9%) and impaction of the maxilla (47%). Complications occurred in 35.2% of the sample, with permanent paresthesia and nasal septal deviation being the most common. Conclusion: This study reveals a direct relationship between the dentofacial deformities diagnosed and surgical procedures performed for treatment.

Keywords: Dentofacial deformities. Diagnosis. Orthognathic surgery.

How to cite: Nóia CF, Lopes RO, Chaves Netto HDM, Nascimento FFAO, Chessa JR. Cirurgia ortognática nas deformidades: série de casos. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 maio- -ago;2(2):31-5. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.2.2.031-035.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:16