
Orofacial pain associated with hyperplasia of the coronoid process

Killian Evandro Cristoff, Pamela Kusdra, José Stechman Neto, Gloria Maria Nogueira Cortz Ravazzi, Paulo Arant Martins

The present study shows two cases of patients with hyperplasia of the coronoid process with associated pain. The patients are a 19 year-old female, presenting Visual Analog Scale (VAS) = 6, with initial mouth opening of 16 mm; and a 16 year-old male patient, with facial pain complaint, VAS = 8, severe limitation of mouth opening (12 mm) for one year and six months, and presence of noise similar to joint crackling during mandibular movement. Surgical resolution with hospital surgery to remove the coronoid process was the best treatment option. Option for case one: pre-auricular access with discopexy. Option for case two: intraoral access with coronoidectomy only. Immediate post-operative mandibular range was 28 mm for the female patient and 30 mm for the male patient. Seven days after surgery, VAS was equal to zero for both cases. Pain is an uncommon symptom for this condition, and it is believed to be due to compression of temporalis muscle tendon in the zygomatic process of the face. Intraoral access is rendered easier due to anatomical accidents. By the end of surgery, there is clear improvement in mouth opening, but physiotherapy is essential to achieve good long-term results

Keywords: Facial pain. Temporomandibular joint disorders. Temporomandibular joint.

How to cite: Cristoff KE, Kusdra P, Stechman Neto J, Ravazzi GMNC, Martins PA. Dor orofacial associada a hiperplasia do processo coronoide. JJ Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 maio-ago;2(2):42-8. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.2.2.042-048.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:14