
Reconstruction of atrophic maxilla with BMP-rh2

Rennan Carvalho Paim, Herbert De Abreu Cavalcanti, Adenir João Biesek, Gustavo Silva Pelissaro, Rodrigo Dalla Lana Mattiello

Reconstruction of atrophic maxilla is a difficult procedure performed by means of maxillofacial surgery, there being a wide range of techniques and material available for its execution. Autogenous bone is the gold standard for grafting; however, its use has disadvantages that create a demand for new types of material. Thus, this article reports the case of atrophic maxilla reconstruction with of BMP-rh2 associated with Bio-OssTM. An edentulous female patient with atrophic maxilla underwent reconstructive surgery carried out with BMP-rh2/ACS and Bio-OssTM, in which bilateral sinus lift and on-lay graft were performed in the anterior maxilla. The grafted area was protected with a titanium mesh, previously shaped with the aid of a custom template. After six months, clinical and imaging examination evinced bone formation; and after 12 months, this new bone was used for osseointegrated dental implant placement. After the healing period, the patient was rehabilitated with an implant-supported prosthesis. Clinical results of the proposed treatment enabled prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient, thus achieving the treatment goal. It may be inferred that BMP bone neoformation potential is not well defined.

Keywords: Bone transplantation. Dental implant. Biocompatible material.

How to cite: Paim RC, Cavalcanti HA, Biesek AJ, Pelissaro GS, Mattiello RDL. Reconstrução de maxila atrófica com BMP-rh2. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 maio-ago;2(2):49-55. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.2.2.049-055.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:16