
Treatment of odontogenic myxoma: maxillectomy with immediate reconstruction

Karoline Araujo Lima, Gustavo Cavalcanti De Albuquerque, Pedro Henrique Ribeiro Arantes, Fabiano Conrado Goncalves, Valber Barbosa Martins, Marcelo Vinícius De Oliveira

Odontogenic myxoma is considered a locally aggressive lesion, once it is not coated by a capsule and tends to infiltrate into the surrounding bone with a high relapse rate. As it evolves, it may cause expansion of cortical bone, displacement of teeth, root resorption and facial asymmetry. When the maxilla is the affected region, the condition may evolve rapidly through the trabecular bone. The treatment of choice to prevent relapse is radical and carried out by resection, since a simple curettage may result in incomplete removal of lesion. The objective of this paper is to report the case of a male, 16-year-old patient, with extensive odontogenic myxoma in the maxilla affecting the maxillary sinus. Total maxillectomy with immediate reconstruction was performed with a titanium mesh and rehabilitation with obturator prosthesis. Reconstruction of maxillary bone structure with a titanium mesh and obturator prosthesis placement provided adequate facial contour and optimized patient’s speech and feeding. Extensive resections cause aesthetic and functional deformities, leading to the need for reconstructive and rehabilitative treatment of patients subjected to this treatment modality.

Keywords: Myxoma. Maxilla. Reconstructive surgical procedures.

How to cite: Lima KA, Albuquerque GC, Arantes PHR, Goncalves FC, Martins VB, Oliveira MV. Tratamento de mixoma odontogênico: maxilectomia com reconstrução imediata. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 maio-ago;2(2):56-61. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.2.2.056-061.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:14