
Orbitocranial foreign body: multidisciplinary treatment. Case report

Marcelo Leite Machado da Silveira, Eduardo Costa Studart Soares, André Alencar Araripe Nunes, Raphael Oliveira Correia, Francisco Samuel Rodrigues Carvalho, Maykel Sullyvan Marinho de Souza

Foreign bodies can be associated with facial trauma and the orbital anatomy makes it susceptible to fractures. However, depending on the fracture site and extension, a communication between the orbital content and cranial fossa may occur. The present paper reports a case of a patient with a large wooden foreign body located from the anterior orbit to the cranial fossa. Surgical removal of the foreign body was performed by a multidisciplinary staff in a two-stage procedure. First, an approach through the facial laceration provided removal of part of the foreign body. Then, a left maxillary, ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinusotomy was realized, persisting only a small wooden fragment crusted in the lateral portion of the left sphenoid sinus near the optical nerve and internal carotid. The patient is currently in the tenth month of follow-up and expelled the reminiscent of the foreign body through the nasal cavity after it was dislocated, fact proven by a new CT exam. Anatomical knowledge of the surgical site, the circumstances that determined the accident, as well as the multidisciplinary treatment, including different surgical approaches, are essential to obtain treatment success with few damages to noble anatomical structures.

Keywords: Orbit. Skull. Wounds and injuries. Foreign-body reaction.

How to cite: Silveira MLM, Soares ECS, Nunes AAA, Correia RO, Carvalho FSR, Souza MSM. Corpo estranho orbitocranial: tratamento multidisciplinar. Relato de caso. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 set-dez;2(3):52-7. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.2.3.052-057.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:19