
Spontaneous closure of oronasal communication after maxillary fracture

Carolina Ferrairo Danieletto, Willian Pecin Jacomacci, Gustavo Zanna Ferreira, Edevaldo Tadeu Camarini, Gustavo Jacobucci Farah, Liogi Iwaki Filho, Angelo José Pavan

Introduction: The oronasal fistula is a persistent communication between oral and nasal cavities, and can generate phonetic changes and impaired swallowing. Objective: This paper aims to report a case of a patient diagnosed with sagittal and transverse maxillary fractures associated with a Le Fort I fracture (Walther’s fracture) which after palatal mucosa necrosis, evolved to an oronasal communication with 5 mm in its largest width. Discussion: The oronasal fistula occurs more frequently in patients with cleft palate and its association with facial trauma is uncommon. When it is consequence of facial trauma it is associated to palatal fractures. Final Considerations: Strict monitoring and local care can reduce the need for further surgery.

Keywords: Maxillary fractures. Palate. Fistula.

How to cite: Danieletto CF, Jacomacci WP, Ferreira GZ, Camarini ET, Farah GJ, Iwaki Filho L, Pavan AJ. Fechamento espontâneo de comunicação buconasal após fratura maxilar. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 set-dez;2(3):62-7. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.2.3.062-067.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:15