
Assessment of two palatoplasty techniques in patients with cleft palate

Andréia Ferreira Ribeiro, Magno Liberato Silva, Fábio Ricardo Loureiro Sato, Érica Cristina Marchiori, Roger William Fernandes Moreira

Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a comparative study of two palatoplasty techniques — Von Langenbeck e Veau-Wardill-Kilner —, evaluating the effectiveness of these techniques for the closure of cleft palates and hypernasality correction. Methods: Patients submitted to palatoplasty in the period of 2011 to 2014 by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service from ‘Hospital dos Defeitos da Face’ were selected and asked to return for a new evaluation. The records from the patients were compared regarding the number of surgeries performed, and the patients were submitted to physical exams to verify the presence of residual fistula and also asked about the improvement of the hypernasality. Results: From the total of patients submitted to surgery, 10 returned to evaluation, any with residual fistula, and the Von Langenbeck technique was effective for 67% of primary closure of the cleft palate, and the Veau-Wardill-Kilner for 50%. About the correction of the hypernasality, Von Langenbeck was effective for 67% and Veau-Wardill-Kilner for 75%. Conclusion: The Von Langenbeck technique was more effective for the primary closure of the cleft palate, while Veau-Wardill-Kilner was more effective to correct hypernasality.

Keywords: Cleft palate. Palate, hard. Velopharyngeal insufficiency.

How to cite: Ribeiro AF, Silva ML, Sato FRL, Marchiori EC, Moreira RWF. Avaliação de duas técnicas de palatoplastia em pacientes portadores de fissuras palatinas. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 jan-abr;3(1):20-4. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.3.1.020-024.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:20