
Pregnancy granuloma of large proportions

Matheus Santos Carvalho, Éwerton Daniel Rocha Rodrigues, Alan Leandro Carvalho De Farias, Thalita Medeiros Melo, Diogo Rego Da Silva, Julio Cesar De Paulo Cravinhos

When pyogenic granuloma occurs in pregnant women it is denominated pregnancy granuloma, being considered a non-neoplastic reactive proliferative process, presenting significant vascular component, originated as a consequence of hormonal factors associated with local irritative factors and/or trauma. It usually has an exophytic feature, which may be sessile or pedunculated, and its surface usually appears smooth or lobular, with a coloration that varies from red to pink. Pain sensitivity depends on the degree of the traumatic injury involving the lesion, but it is often painless. In the scenario of a benign disease, the therapeutic objective is surgical excision and removal of local irritative factors. A 31-year-old female patient, third month of pregnancy, complaining of increased volume in the region of tooth #37, masticatory difficulties and malocclusion. As a clinical diagnosis of the lesion based on the extraoral, intraoral, imaging, and anamnesis examinations of the patient, a diagnosis of pregnancy granuloma was suggested. The patient evolved without postoperative or gestational complication and any evidence of recurrence of the lesion, corroborating the favorable prognosis.

Keywords: Surgery, oral. Hyperplasia. Granuloma.

How to cite: Carvalho MS, Rodrigues EDR, Farias ALC, Melo TM, Silva DR, Cravinhos JCP. Granuloma gravídico de grandes proporções. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 set-dez;3(3):37-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.3.3.037-043.cre

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:19