
Endosurgical approach of radicular cyst: case report

Paula Cristina Santos Alves, Luís Ronaldo Picosse, Camila Porto De Deco, Íris Maria Fróis, Renata Amadei Nicolau

The radicular cyst is described as a pathological cavity coated by epithelium with liquid or semi-solid content inside the lumen, caused by an inflammatory response of the apex, to harmful stimuli of low intensity. This one, normally diagnosed by means of routine radiographs, is solved with endodontic treatment and surgical therapies. The present study aims to report a case of a patient with a radicular cyst of great extension in the maxilla region. Patient bearer of periapical cyst of approximately 3 centimeters in diameter with interface in nasal fossa and hard palate (panoramic and occlusal radiographs, and computed tomography). At the clinical examination, it was observed absence of vitality of the teeth #11, #12, #21 and #22, which apexes presented interrelation with the cyst. It was performed the aspiration puncture, antibiogram, decompression, endodontic treatment of the elements under systemic medication and surgical approach 24 hours after the conclusion endodontic treatment. After 12 months, in the occlusal radiograph, frank development of repair in the region was observed. It was concluded that the employed endosurgical approach presented successful in solving the case.

Keywords: Radicular cyst. Bone regeneration. Scar. Cystic fibrosis.

How to cite: Alves PCS, Picosse LR, Deco CP, Fróis ÍM, Nicolau RA. Abordagem endocirúrgica de cisto periapical: caso clínico. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 set-dez;3(3):61-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.3.3.061-066.cre

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:18