
Oral sedation in dental surgery: analysis of variations in blood glucose and blood pressure

Natália Quinilatto Daróz, Fabiane Torres Maia Guimarães, Antonio De Melo Cabral, Mariana Camilo Negreiros Lyrio Alvares, Daniela Nascimento Silva, Rossiene Motta Bertollo, Martha Alayde Alcantara Salim Venancio

Introduction: Fear and anxiety are conditions that can trigger changes in blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Objective: To evaluate blood glucose and blood pressure variations in patients submitted to oral surgery with and without the use of oral sedation. Methods: The sample consisted of 68 healthy patients (aged 18-40 years) divided into two groups: group I (control) and group II, which received 5 mg diazepam as preoperative oral medication. All patients underwent surgery under local anesthesia. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and blood glucose were recorded and values were compared at the beginning and end of surgery between the groups and also within the same group. Results: Group I presented an increase in SBP and DBP when compared to baseline and at the end of surgery (SBP p = 0.000; DBP p = 0.025); group II did not present significant variations in SBP and DBP. When comparing BP values between groups at the end of surgery, a significant increase in DBP was observed in group II (p = 0.017). Conclusion: The use of diazepam as pre-surgical medication maintained constant SBP and DBP values, suggesting cardiovascular protective action during surgery.

Keywords: Surgery, oral. Glucose. Blood pressure. Anxiety.

How to cite: Daróz NQ, Guimarães FTM, Cabral AM, Alvares MCNL, Silva DN, Bertollo RM, Venancio MAAS. Oral sedation in dental surgery: analysis of variations in blood glucose and blood pressure. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 jan-abr;4(1):22-7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.4.1.022-027.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:14