
Epidemiology of facial trauma in a hospital in the municipality of Manaus-Amazonas

Márcia Arruda Lins, Gustavo Cavalcanti De Albuquerque, Amanda Lima De Oliveira, Valber Barbosa Martins, Flávio Tendolo Fayad, Marcelo Vinicius De Oliveira, Joel Motta Júnior

Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial trauma vary from country to country due to the existence of different social, local and cultural factors. Its prognosis depends on the stage of development, the time between the fracture event and its care, as well as the injured areas. Objective: The present study proposed to carry out an epidemiological survey of face traumas treated in a hospital in the municipality of Manaus/Amazonas (Brazil) in the years from 2013 to 2016. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional survey was conducted, considering factors such as: etiology, gender, age, location and surgical procedure. Results: A total of 184 medical records were analyzed. The most prevalent etiology was traffic accidents, with 89 cases (48. 37%).The male sex stood out, with 161 cases (87.50%) in the age group of 21-30 years. The most affected region was the mandible, with 71 cases (31.56%). The most prevalent surgical procedure was the reduction with fixation of trauma, with 150 cases (66.66%). Conclusions: Young men are the most affected, and traffic accidents are the major causal factor.

Keywords: Epidemiology. Oral and maxillofacial trauma. Public hospital.

How to cite: Lins MA, Albuquerque GC, Oliveira AL, Martins VB, Fayad FT, Oliveira MV, Motta Júnior J. Epidemiology of facial trauma in a hospital in the municipality of Manaus-Amazonas. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 jan-abr;4(1):28-32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.4.1.028-032.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:18