
Bichectomy: a critical view

Beatriz Sobrinho Sangalette, Larissa Vargas Vieira, Juliana De Almeida Nascimento, Vanessa Interlichia Capelari, André Luís Shinohara, Clóvis Marzola, João Lopes Toledo Filho, Gustavo Lopes Toledo, Marcos Mauricio Capelari

Introduction: Recently, a surgical procedure has been causing controversy as to its applicability, its prognosis and which professional is able to perform it. This is the bichectomy, a technique that aims to remove the adipose body from the cheek, which seems to be feasible for aesthetic and functional purposes, provided that its main indication is to meet the patients first need, either purely cosmetic, with some caveats, or related to chewing, pain and psychosomatic discomfort. Another question is related to the future aesthetic-functional satisfaction of the individual, given the unknown longterm consequences. Questions arise about which professional could perform the procedure: plastic surgeon or buco-maxillofacial surgeon, since even with exhaustive discussions in the legal area, there are still gaps and biases in interpretation regarding the competence of each one to do so. Method: In order to elucidate these questions, a review of literature based on legislation and relevant bibliographies was carried out. Conclusions: The technique is applicable and with legal protection both by the physician and by the dental surgeon. However, regarding its legal aspect, certain issues should be considered in terms of their feasibility and long-term prognosis.

Keywords: Facial asymmetry. Legislation, dental. Lipectomy.

How to cite: Sobrinho Sangalette B, Vieira LV, Nascimento JA, Capelari VI, Shinohara AL, Marzola C, et al. Bichectomy: a critical view. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Sept-Dec;4(3):22-7. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.4.3.022-027.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:15