
Mandibular fracture after extraction of impacted third molar

Alexandre Maranhão Menezes Neto, Eduardo Costa Studart Soares, Francisco Samuel Rodrigues Carvalho, Mariana Gomes Coutinho, Fábio Wildson Costa Gurgel

Mandibular fractures resulting from extraction of impacted third molars are rare and cause postoperative morbidity to the patient. This study aims to present a clinical case of a mandibular fracture that occurred after an impacted tooth had been removed. The 19-year-old female patient sought care with a history of pain during mastication. After anamnesis and clinical examination, the presence of a fracture in the region of left mandibular angle was observed. The patient underwent an open reduction and fracture osteosynthesis with fixation plates through an intraoral approach. After a follow-up of 2 years, there were no pain complaints and satisfactory aesthetic and functional results. In this context, the present case highlights the importance of surgical planning and a long-term follow-up in cases of fracture after extraction of third molars, even this complications being uncommon.

Keywords: Mandibular fractures. Postoperative complications. Unerupted tooth.

How to cite: Menezes Neto AM, Soares ECS, Carvalho FSR, Coutinho MG, Gurgel FWC. Mandibular fracture after extraction of impacted third molar. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 May-Aug;5(2):64-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.5.2.064-069.oar

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:21