
Indication for extraction of impacted third molars: Cross-sectional study

Caio Gonçalves Silva, Victor Hugo Ferreira, Everaldo Pinheiro Lima Suzana Celia Carneiro, Jefferson Figueiredo Leal e Belmiro Cavalcanti Vasconcelos

Introduction: Removal of third impacted asymptomatic molars has been the subject of considerable controversy. Therefore, this study aims to verify the indication of removal of lower third molars by oral and maxillofacial surgeons after evaluating radio- graphic images. Methods: This was an observation- al cross-sectional study developed with professionals participating in the XXIII Brazilian Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (COBRAC-2015) held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, in which the participants were divided into groups according to the level of training. Results: The results show that most oral and maxillofacial surgeons tend to indicate the removal of asymptomatic impacted third molars (ITMs), and this decision-making is independent of the level of training, and the number of years of experience does not influence it. Conclusions: It can be concluded that there is insufficient evidence in the current literature to determine routine prophylactic removal of asymptomatic ITMs. The indication or not of removal of asymptomatic ITMs should take into account the patients acceptance as well as the clinical knowledge of the professional to guide the decision making.

Keywords: Molar, third. Tooth, impacted. Surgery, oral.

How to cite: Silva CG, Ferreira VH, Lima EP, Carneiro SC, Leal JF, Vasconcelos BC. Indication for extraction of impacted third molars: Cross-sectional study. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Sept-Dec;5(3):24-8.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:17