
Conservative treatment of ameloblastoma in mandible: case report

Camila Lopes Gonçalves, Felipe Eduardo Baires Campos, Luiz Felipe Cardoso Lehman, Roberta Rayra Martins Chaves, Flávia Leite Lima e Wagner Henriques De Castro.

Ameloblastomas are slow-growing benign odontogenic tumors, locally invasive, that can reach varied proportions according to the time of evolution. The treatment of ameloblastomas has been controversial among surgeons. A patient with ameloblastoma in the mandible, treated by resection with conservative safety margin and of adjuvant therapies. After 4 years of follow-up without recurrence, the surgical defect reconstruction was performed by means of autogenous free graft from iliac crest and implant-supported dental prosthesis. After 9 years of follow up, the patient has no signs of recurrence and no esthetic and functional changes.

Keywords: Ameloblastoma. Mandibular reconstruction. Mouth rehabilitation. Conservative treatment.

How to cite: Gonçalves CL, Campos FEB, Lehman LFC, Chaves RRM, Lima FL, Castro WH. Conservative treatment of ameloblastoma in mandible: case report. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillo-fac Surg. 2019 Sept-Dec;5(3):45-50.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:18