
Tissue expansion as an option for reconstruction of craniofacial defects and alopecia area: Report of two cases

Sylvio Luiz Costa De Moraes, Alexandre Maurity De Paula Afonso, Roberto Gomes Dos Santos, Ricardo Pereira Mattos, Mariana Brozoski, Jonathan Ribeiro, Bruno Gomes Duarte e Bruno Costa Ferreira.

The repair of defects by restoring the cranial vault in some cases is difficult because of the scalps inextensible tissue, which results in the unavoidable exposure of neighboring areas, or even the material used in the reconstruction, which represents a potential risk of infection and consequent surgical losses. The purpose of this article is to describe the technique of scalp expansion as an adjuvant step for the correction of cranial vault contour and the alopecia area, associated with trauma and as a sequela of previous surgical time. We used non-customized 480ml silicone expanders (SILIMED - Comércio de Produtos Médico-Hospitalares, LTDA - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil), with external valve, on the scalp to enable correction of cranial vault and alopecia area associated with craniofacial trauma sequelae. Expansion procedures, techniques and recommendations for insertion and removal of the ex- pander are described. The previous tissue expansion of the scalp is a feature that allows adequate recoating of the craniofacial region to be reconstructed, avoiding exposure of the biomaterial and allowing the correction of alopecia area.

Keywords: Tissue expansion. Skull. Reconstruction.

How to cite: Moraes SLC, Afonso AMP, Santos RG, Mattos RP, Brozoski M, Ribeiro J, Duarte BG, Ferreira BC. Tissue expansion as an option for reconstruction of craniofacial defects and alopecia area: Report of two cases. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Sept-Dec;5(3):56-63.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:16