
Germano, elected president for the 2023/2024 term of the Brazilian College of BucoMaxillo-Facial Surgery and Traumatology, discloses the goals of his administration

Adriano R. Germano

Adriano Rocha Germano, who has just been elected president of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, board 2023/2024, has been a partner since 1997 and full member of the CBCTBMF. He was Chapter coordinator twice and general secretary in the past administration. Specialist by CFO, Master and Doctor in CTBMF by Unicamp, he attended a postdoctoral study at Hospital 12 de Octubre/Madrid-Spain. He is currently a Full Professor in the field of CTBMF at UFRN, Coordinator of the CTBMF Residency Program at Onofre Lopes University Hospital/UFRN, Post-Graduate Professor at MSc and PhD programs/UFRN, oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Hospital Infantil Varela Santiago/RN and also works in private practice at the Centro de Reabilitação Maxilo-Facial/Natal/RN.

How to cite: Germano AR. Germano, elected president for the 2023/2024 term of the Brazilian College of Buco-Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Traumatology, discloses the goals of his administration. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 May-Aug;7(2):11.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:15