
Appropriate surgical approach for treatment of odontogenic myxoma: case report

Paulo Matheus Honda Tavares, Flávio Tendolo Fayad, Marcelo Vinicius Oliveira, Pedro Henrique Ribeiro Arantes, Tiago Novaes Pinheiro

Odontogenic myxomas are uncommon benign, slow-growing, locally aggressive and non-metastasizing neoplasms of gnathic bones, which most probably derive from odontogenic ectomesenchyme, characterized by local invasion and tendency to recurrence. Various treatments have been tried, ranging from conservative enucleation to radical resection, according to the characteristics of the lesion. The objective of the present study is to report the clinical case of a 23-years-old female patient, diagnosed with odontogenic myxoma in the left mandibular body. Clinically, no relevant cortical expansion was observed, only slight crowding of the teeth, with normal-colored mucosa. The radiological examination showed a hypodense, multilocular lesion, of approximately 3.5cm, with the appearance of “soap bubbles”, which extended throughout the left mandibular body. Surgical resection of the lesion was performed, with a safety margin of 1.5cm and fixation using the 2.7 system reconstruction plate. The resection was performed satisfactorily, following the recommended safety margin, with the surgical stumps macroscopically free of lesion. The patient presented physiological and motor functions preserved, and there was no recurrence of the lesion at the six years postoperative follow-up. It can be concluded that is essential that the choice of treatment for odontogenic myxoma, using a radical or conservative approach, takes into account individual clinical and radiological criteria of each case, to allow for greater effectiveness in the treatment.

Keywords: Myxoma. Odontogenic tumors. Neoplasms. Excision margins.

How to cite: Tavares PMH, Fayad FT, Oliveira MV, Arantes PHR, Pinheiro TN. Appropriate surgical approach for treatment of odontogenic myxoma: case report. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Jan-Mar;8(1):42-9.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:16