
Infiltrations used in temporomandibular joint arthroscopy: case report

Fábio Ricardo Loureiro-Sato, Marcelo Marotta Araujo

Introduction: With the advancement of the opera- tive techniques of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthroscopy, several intra-articular pathologies that were previously only possible to be treated through open surgery, can now be resolved through minimally invasive treatments. Among the techniques used in operative arthroscopy, one of them is intra-articular infiltrations. Objective: The purpose of this article is to do a review of the literature about the techniques and substances used for infiltrations in TMJ arthroscopy, and present a case report. Methods: A literature review was performed in the main research bases (Medline, Lilacs and Scielo) and also a case report pre- sented. Results: The indications for infiltration in the TMJ was hyaluronic acid, corticosteroids, sclerosing agents, botulinum toxin and growth factors. Conclu- sion: There are several possibilities for intra-articular infiltrations in the TMJ, with excellent clinical results.

Keywords: Temporomandibular joint. Temporoman- dibular joint dysfunction syndrome. Arthroscopy.

How to cite: Loureiro-Sato FR, Araujo MM. Infiltrations used in temporomandibular joint arthroscopy: case report. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Jan-Mar;8(1):56-60.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:17