
Applicability of a bone-borne palatal distractor prototype: case report

Gustavo Eilert Nora, Angelo Luiz Freddo, Adriana Corsetti, Vinicius Pollo

Surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) is an alternative for correction of transverse maxillary deficiencies, indicated when the intermaxillary suture is consolidated. The most common appliances for maxillary expansion are tooth-borne; however, there are patients with an indication for SARPE who cannot use tooth-borne appliances. In these cases, a bone-borne appliance should be used. The present distractor was confectioned in a dental laboratory. Then, maxillary expansion surgery was performed under general anesthesia, and the results obtained were evaluated. The success of the appliance was defined by its applicability, the opening of the intermaxillary suture after expansion, and the stability of the distractor. Photographs of facial aspect changes were also analyzed. The osteodistrator remained stable and allowed for maxillary transverse expansion, being efficient, with the 21-day computed tomography showing an opening of 8.2 mm in the anterior region and 4.8mm in the medial region of the intermaxillary suture. Clinical and photographic evaluation showed a visible change in facial contour after maxillary expansion. The results suggest that the proposed appliance is an effective alternative in the treatment of pa- tients with indication of bone-supported SARPE.

Keywords: Maxillary osteotomy. Palatal expansion tech- nique. Osteogenesis, distraction.

How to cite: Nora GE, Freddo AL, Corsetti A, Pollo V. Applicability of a bone-borne palatal distractor prototype: case report. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Jan-Mar;8(1):61-7.

Friday, September 27, 2024 02:20