
The use of gingival prosthesis. Smile recovery.

Guilherme Berger, Edson Paulo de Lemes, Marcelo de Freitas Hayashida, Tássita Ribeiro Bueno, Hercules Almilhatti

Historically, gingival prostheses have been used to replace tissue lost due to surgical procedures, trauma, ridge resorption or tooth extractions. This method allows large volumes of tissue to be easily recovered. These areas are covered esthetically and functionally with fixed or removable gingival prosthesis. The material used for gingival prostheses include self-curing and polymerizable pink acrylic resin, porcelain, composite resins, silicones and copolyamides. This literature review discusses gingival prostheses and material, and reports a case in which the patient received a prosthesis so as to better visualize the final results achieved with this treatment modality.

Keywords: Dental prosthesis. Esthetics. Gingiva

How to cite: Berger G, Lemes EP, Hayashida MF, Bueno TR, Almilhatti H. Uso de prótese dentogengival. Recuperação do sorriso. Rev Dental Press Estét. 2014 out-dez;11(4):61-9.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 14:30