
Semidirect technique for posterior teeth restoration

Sanzio Marques, Márcia Marcondes Guimarães

Restorations with composite resins in posterior teeth are already consecrated as a reliable option, capable of providing aesthetics with longevity. However, it is essential for the clinician to know the technique and materials in order to achieve success. This article will show the step by step construction of a semi-direct restoration with composite resin in a molar, and discusses the indications, advantages and features of this affordable technique, which can offer quality with simplicity.

Keywords: Dental esthetics. Permanent dental restoration. Atraumatic restorative dental treatment.

How to cite: Marques S, Guimarães MM. Técnica semidireta como opção restauradora para dentes posteriores. Rev Dental Press Estét. 2015 abr-jun;12(2):40-9.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:54