
Treatment alternatives for cosmetic and functional oral rehabilitation

Elisângela Dallazen, Albano Luis Novaes Bueno, Fabiano de Oliveira Araujo, Paulo Augusto Pires Milani, Yasmine Mendes Pupo

The paradigm shift in dentistry is a current reality, where people crave the permanence of their teeth throughout life. Allied to this concept, are present the increase in life expectancy with changes in dietary habits and daily routine. However, many factors such as stress, lack of guidance in caring for the oral health and systemic and/or pathological changes can lead to loss of tooth structure and support of the same, with different degrees of impairment. The restoration of a good functional and aesthetic condition depends on careful planning, which requires knowledge about the different techniques and materials, taking into account the specificities of each individual, their habits and its consequences. The aim of this study was to review in the literature different ways of conducting oral rehabilitation treatments, citing various plans which use from techniques traditional to more modern techniques, such as CAD/CAM. Moreover, it was reported a case in which rehabilitation planning prioritized aesthetic, based on functional concepts (prostheses in accordance with the correct dental and periodontal anatomy, steady DVO and balanced occlusion. It is therefore concluded that the severe wear of the teeth is a common reality today, requiring professional dental knowledge of the causes and possible treatments in order to restore function, health and esthetics.

Keywords: Dental occlusion. Dental implants. Ceramics.

How to cite: Dallazen E, Bueno ALN, Araujo FO, Milani PAP, Pupo YM. Alternativas de tratamento para reabilitação bucal estética e funcional. Rev Dental Press Estét. 2015 abr-jun;12(2):51-61.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:44