Rudá França Moreira, Rossana Gomes Figueiredo, Hindra Colodetti, Mauro Sayão de Miranda
Objective: To present potential dental trauma and psychosocial damage that can affect the injured teenager, and the benefits of using mouthguards in sports. Methods: Review of articles related to dental injuries caused by sports practice. According to the articles reviewed, trauma most often affects children and adolescents and may be a source of social, psychological, behavioral, functional and aesthetic problems. Preventive measures must be taken to reduce the impact and severity of trauma. The primary countermeasure is the use of mouthguards. Conclusion: Dental trauma is a serious problem and should, therefore, be considered an emergency. It requires urgent and specialized care, not only due to the physical, immediate and late problems that trauma can cause, but also the emotional involvement in children's lives and their families. The damage can affect the adolescent psychologically and socially. Treatment and the dental care of these patients are rendered difficult and of doubtful prognosis. Thus, prevention of these injuries is presented as the best way to control this public health problem.
Keywords: Tooth. Tooth injuries. Dental care. Athletic injuries.
How to cite: Moreira RF, Figueiredo RG, Colodetti H, Miranda MS. Traumatismo dentário na adolescência x atividade física. Como orientar e prevenir? Rev Dental Press Estét. 2015 jul-set;12(3):56-60.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:30