Mauricio Neves Gomes, Pedro Luiz Geraldo Júnior, Hélio Dutra, Alexandre Morais, Carlos Eduardo Francci, André G. De Vito-Moraes
Amelogenesis imperfecta is characterized by a morphological change in the prismatic structure occurring as a result of dental enamel malformation. This change significantly affects patient’s general psychological and social health due to aesthetic impairment of anterior teeth. Depending on the type and depth of malformation, such changes may affect the quality of adhesion to dental hard tissues. Choosing a direct composite veneer is a fast and conventional alternative to minimize milder changes resulting from amelogenesis imperfecta. In the case reported in the present article, by using direct nanocomposite restorative resin, it was possible to reshape and hence correct the proportion of teeth. At the same time, the shade of teeth was also corrected, thereby restoring the aesthetic harmony of the smile and, therefore, restoring patient’s selfesteem.
Keywords: Amelogenesis imperfecta. Dental veneers. Composite resins.
How to cite: Gomes MN, Geraldo Júnior PL, Dutra H, Morais A, Francci CE, De Vito-Moraes AG. Hipomaturação do esmalte: tratamento conservador e minimamente invasivo com facetas de resina composta. Rev Dental Press Estét. 2015 jul-set;12(3):61-70.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:59