
Autogenous crown fragment reattachment after dental trauma

Josué MARTOS Professor Associado do Departamento de Semiologia e Clínica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (FO-UFPel). Gabriela Dutra SEHNEM, Luiz Fernando Machado Silveira

Dental fractures comprise the most frequent form of traumatic dental injuries and often require an immediate procedure for their treatment. The repositioning of a fractured crown fragment by means of the bonding fragment technique offers several advantages, including recovery of function, aesthetics, shape, brightness and surface texture, in addition to the original contour and alignment of teeth. The aim of this article is to report a permanent maxillary central incisor with crown fracture treated by adhesive fragment reattachment.

Keywords: Dental trauma. Crowns. Permanent denture.

How to cite: Martos J, Sehnem GD, Silveira LFM. Colagem autógena de fragmento coronário após traumatismo dentário. Rev Dental Press Estét. 2015 jul-set;12(3):94-101.

Saturday, December 28, 2024 23:25