
Multidisciplinary esthetic recontouring with gingival plastic surgery and ceramic laminated lithium disilicate veneers: step-by-step

Weider De Oliveira Silva, Raquel Francis Almeida, Luciano Leal, Espedito Ulisses De Carvalho Junior

Perfect harmony between dental white esthetics and gingival pink esthetics is the key to achieve successful excellent results in esthetic rehabilitation treatment. Discrepancies of shape and size are common changes that can interfere significantly in smile harmony. Technological advances in adhesive systems and dental ceramics have allowed treatment options to expand. At present, esthetic dental recontouring with lithium disilicate-based ceramic contact lenses is a conservative alternative to other rehabilitation procedures, since it combines esthetics and strength even in cases of ultra-thin thicknesses. The objective of this study is to report the esthetic and functional rehabilitation of a case of a patient with an unbalanced smile, short and blackened teeth, and gingival smile. Treatment was performed by means of esthetic recontouring with a multidisciplinary protocol conducted through bleaching, gingivoplasty and ceramic laminated lithium disilicate veneers. The results show that the association of multidisciplinary esthetic treatments, based on accurate preplanning, renders the resolution of complex cases predictable, fast and safe.

Keywords: Gingivoplasty. Dental veneers. Dental esthetics.

How to cite: Silva WO, Almeida RF, Leal L, Carvalho Junior EU. Recontorno estético multidisciplinar com cirurgia plástica gengival e laminados cerâmicos de dissilicato de lítio: passo a passo. Rev Dental Press Estét. 2015 out-dez;12(4):101-18.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 08:59