Thiago Dias Oliveira Ottoboni, Rui Isidro Falacho
Composite resin restorations are still important for dentistry due to a number of factors. In order to obtain better results, the clinician should always evaluate its correct indication, treatment planning and execution. All of these steps must be strictly followed and enforced with the minimum details to obtain not only aesthetic results, but also long term stability. The present article shows an important stage of planning to get a more predictable and natural result. Diagnostic wax-up when performed by the dentist in the case of composite resin, make the final result more detailed because the same professional who perform the planning in the casts will execute it in the mouth. In this manner, improving predictability in search of natural aesthetics and long-term stability.
Keywords: Diagnostic wax-up. Composite resins. Predictability.
How to cite: Ottoboni TDO, Falacho RI. The importance of diagnostic wax-up to make predictable composite resin aesthetic restorations in anterior dentition. J Clin Dent Res. 2016 Jul-Sep;13(3):54-60. DOI:
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 18:03