Isabela Hrecek Freitag, Ana Carolina Davanço Caviquioli, Adriana Lemos Mori Ubaldini
Introduction: Changes in dental color is one of the most common aesthetic problems perceived by people. The desire of having white teeth puts dental bleaching as the cosmetic treatment most sought by patients. Objective: the present study analyzed the knowledge about bleaching, its contraindications and the risks of bleaching agents self-application without professional prescription, as well as the frequency of the treatment and the use of commercial products with whitening action by undergraduates in dentistry. Methods: The sample of the study was divided into two groups: G1 - students in the first year of graduation; G2 – students attending the fourth year of graduation (n = 50). A quantitative objective questionnaire was applied in order to verify the knowledge about the techniques and risks of the bleaching treatment and the risks of the use of self-applicable bleaching products. Results: Most students, regardless of their undergraduate year, had already undergone dental whitening. Both groups presented knowledge about the risks of self-administration of bleaching agents, including dentifrices and other commercial products with “bleaching action”. Conclusion: It can be concluded that with increased knowledge about the administration and risks of dental whitening, both supervised and self-applied, the use of bleaching treatment was reduced.
Keywords: Students. Tooth bleaching. Tooth bleaching agents.
How to cite: Freitag IH, Caviquioli ACD, Ubaldini ALM. Dental students’ knowledge about the risks of bleaching agents self-application. J Clin Dent Res. 2018 Jan-Mar;15(1):64-72. DOI:
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 04:01