Anna Luiza Szesz, Gilberto Antonio Borges, Luis Henrique Borges, Benito André Silveira Miranzi, Paula Moreno Lima, Ana Paula Almeida Ayres, Saturnino Calabrez Filho, Ana Cristina Pires Ferro
Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) are among the most frequent conditions affecting dental structures and although restoration with composite resins does not directly treat the etiology of this condition, it replaces the lost dental tissues, restoring the structural integrity of the teeth. The restorative treatment also contributes reducing the dental wear and hypersensitivity of dentin, when present, further improving the aesthetics. Despite of the benefits briefly presented, the longevity of NCCL restorations still an issue nowadays because of problems related to the material’s retention in the cavities. This study aimed to evaluate whether different methods of light curing interfere on the longevity of these restorations. Therefore, there was collected information from scientific papers, course papers and master’s dissertations were searched in online databases, as well as chapters of books related to the research theme. Then a discussion of the different photoactivation techniques and light intensities was carried out, comparing the positive and negative effects related to microfiltration and to marginal adaptation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages in order to promote satisfactory results in long-term of NCCL restorations.
Keywords: Noncarious Cervical Lesions. Curing Lights. Composite Resins.
How to cite: Szesz AL, Borges GA, Borges LH, Miranzi BAS, Lima PM, Ayres APA, Calabrez Filho S, Ferro ACP. Influence of different photoactivation methods on the longevity of restorations with composite resin in non-carious cervical lesions: Literature review. J Clin Dent Res. 2019 Jan-Apr;16(1):114-23. DOI:
Friday, December 27, 2024 17:45