Sthefane Brandão Barbosa, Elisa Gomes Albuquerque, Isabella de Almeida Guimarães Passos, Stella Soares Marins, Flávio Warol, Angela Scarparo, Marcos de Oliveira Barceleiro
The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of dental posts, through 250 periapical radiographs of patients with at least one dental element with dental post. The type of post used, the quality of the endodontic treatment, the length of the posts and the existence or not of any space between the post and the endodontic filling material were analyzed. Of a total of 463 posts, 324 were cast metal cores, 118 were prefabricated metallic posts and 21 were non-metallic prefabricated posts. 127 cast metal cores and 69 prefabricated posts were cemented on teeth without endodontic treatment or with unsatisfactory endodontic treatment. 35 cast metal cores, 12 metallic prefabricated posts and 6 non-metallic prefabricates posts were considered satisfactory. It was observed a large number of failures, which may contribute to fractures or other types of failure in teeth with dental posts.
Keywords: Post and Core Technique. Quality Indicators. Health Care. Materials Failure Analysis.
How to cite: Barbosa SB, Albuquerque EG, Passos IAG, Marins SS, Warol F, Scarparo A, Barceleiro MO. Dental Post Technique: Is teaching properly valued? A radiographic evaluation of the quality of dental posts. J Clin Dent Res. 2019 Jan-Apr;16(1):126-35. DOI:
Friday, December 27, 2024 17:29