

Aesthetic and functional retreatment of teeth #46 and #47 with questionable prognosis

Pablo Castelo-Baz, Brais Tubío-Pereira, Cristina Vázquez-Ferreiro, Benjamín Martín-Biedma

Introduction: The decision of whether or not to extract a tooth with questionable prognosis is common in the daily clinic. To make the right decision, we must take into account various factors such as endodontic, periodontal, and restorative prognosis, as well as factors based on patient type, expectations, hygiene habits, systemic state, tobacco use, etc. Case report: non-smoker patient, with good health condition and with a lot of interest in keeping all his teeth. He presented a tooth #46 with compromised prognosis at the endodontic, periodontal and restorative aspects; and also a tooth #47 with restorative problem. After the appropriate evaluation of the case, retreatment was planned: no surgical endodontic retreatment on tooth #46, extraction of tooth #48, surgical crown lengthening and posterior reconstruction of the teeth, as well as making two monolithic disilicate crowns. Results: The success a year after the end of the treatment can be verified by the confirmation of the periapical pathology cure, as well as the good functioning of the lithium disilicate restorations. Conclusion: In such cases, the individualization of the treatment plan will be key to success.

Keywords: Indirect restorations. Non-surgical retreatment. Success. Surgical crown lengthening.

How to cite: Castelo-Baz P, Tubío-Pereira B, Vázquez-Ferreiro C, Martín-Biedma B. Aesthetic and functional retreatment of teeth #46 and #47 with questionable prognosis. J Clin Dent Res. 2019 May-Aug;16(2):12-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2447-911x.16.2.012-022.oar

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 03:54