

Impacted teeth: Should they be removed or can only be controlled? Indications and precautions

Alberto Consolaro, Mauricio de Almeida Cardoso e Omar Hadaya.

What are the criteria to leave an unerupted tooth in the maxillary bones? To control this situation, it is required a prior knowledge of the pericoronal follicle, especially its structure, its functions and the impact of its permanence. Through medical imaging, there are criteria to assert that it is normal and it involves evaluating the image, thickness, outline and the limits of the pericoronal follicle. Some diseases are exclusives from pericoronal follicle and therefore they may be called folliculopathies, but other diseases occur in this structure, besides the exclusive ones. There are three main indications to the removal of unerupted teeth, and that should be shared, as well as to the patients, to do not delay the cirurgical removal of the teeth.

Keywords: Pericoronal follicle. Unerupted tooth. Pericoronaritis. Paradental cyst. Tooth resorption.

How to cite: Consolaro A, Cardoso MA, Hadaya O. Impacted teeth: Should they be removed or can only be controlled? Indications and precautions. J Clin Dent Res. 2019 Sep-Dec;16(3):184-209.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:03