Rafael Pino Vitti
Social networks have become a means of communication for the rapid spread of fake news. Never before has there been so much discussion about fl at earth, anti-vaccine movement and the harmful of the mango-milk combination (If my grandmother had Facebook!). In Dentistry, amalgam has returned to being a villain wanted and severely defeated. Fluoride, which was once the protagonist of the “Communist Conspiracy” and surfed the wave of thyroid cancer as well as toxic waste, now impairs the IQ. Oft en, pseudoscientifi c alarmism exceed the social networks engaging patients to submit invasive and useless protocols, which impair the minimally invasive Dentistry, exposing the patients to unnecessary risks.
How to cite: Vitti RP. InstaScienceBook. J Clin Dent Res. 2020 Sept-Dec;17(3):148-50.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 04:48